Gourd Art: Team Up with Nature!

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Discovering the Unexpected: My First Encounter with Gourd Art

Have you ever seen art created with gourds? Until this past weekend, I hadn’t. Did you know that there were entire festivals dedicated to these humble plants? Again, I was floored!

Here I was, at the Delaware County Fairgrounds in Ohio, for a horse show. AND, I stumbled upon something totally unexpected: the Ohio Gourd Society’s Annual Festival. Imagine my surprise when I learned this festival has been going strong for 61 years! A whole world of creativity had been blossoming right under my nose, and I had no idea.

My friend Vicki came to see me at the horse show. She was good friends with one of the artists exhibiting at the gourd show. Being the curious sort, we decided to sneak over between classes to take a look. What I expected to be a quick glance turned into a mind-blowing experience.

A World of Gourds

The festival spread out before us, and immediately I was hooked. The first building we entered was filled with educational exhibits detailing the life of a gourd. It turns out there’s an art to growing them as well as crafting with them. They explained how different varieties develop into unique shapes while growing. Some were round like apples or perfectly spherical like basketballs. Others were long and twisted, their vines trained into spirals and knots. There were so many varieties, each one more intriguing than the last.

Learning that these shapes are not just happy accidents, but the result of careful cultivation was a revelation. And once they’re harvested, the real work begins. I discovered that the drying process alone can take a full year! During that time, mold grows on the surface and must be carefully scrubbed off. For safety, a mask is worn to avoid breathing in the spores. The patience and precision required to transform a gourd from raw plant to a smooth, clean canvas was staggering.

Outside, piles of unprocessed gourds were available for purchase. I could see how easy it would be to get lost in this world. There were so many shapes, sizes, and textures just waiting to become something beautiful. A tent nearby featured musicians playing instruments made entirely of gourds. I didn’t know what to expect, but the sound was absolutely mesmerizing. Who would have thought that a humble gourd could produce such rich, resonant music?

The Art of the Gourd

We moved on to the second building, where the real magic happened—the art exhibits. I was speechless. These artists had taken something so ordinary and transformed it into extraordinary works of art. Some were painted with intricate designs, while others were carved or sculpted. There were baskets, vases, and musical instruments, all made from gourds. I saw 3D sculptures that were made of multiple gourds. Different shapes and sizes were used to create sophisticated pieces that I would not have believed were possible.

I have to say, one of the displays that readily caught my eye was a lamp. Yes, you read that right—a lamp! My favorite, an owl…of course! All the lamps were carved with patterns. When lit, the light shone through the designs, casting beautiful shadows and shapes around the room. Some were waxed or varnished, giving them a smooth, polished look that resembled finely crafted wood. It was hard to believe they were gourds at all.

Temptation and Distraction

I’ll admit, I was tempted. I tend to be easily distracted by new and exciting creative outlets—some might call it “shiny object syndrome.” I see something new and think, “I have to try that!” And let me tell you, the gourd art was calling my name. There’s something about the idea of taking a simple object from nature and turning it into art. But alas, I’m deep into preparing for the holiday season. I’m making special art pieces, so I had to reign in my excitement. Focus, Nancy, focus.

The festival also featured a “make-it, take-it” area where kids and parents were busy decorating gourds. Seeing families work together to create something unique was heartwarming. Vendors were on hand, selling everything from seeds and craft supplies. There were even pre-cleaned gourds, ready to be turned into art without the year-long wait. There were workshops and demonstrations, with skilled artists sharing their techniques. It was a hands-on festival, full of creativity and discovery.

A Small World After All

To top it all off, my friend Vicki introduced me to her artist friend Sheri Love, one of the exhibitors. Sheri was kind enough to give us a personal tour. While we were chatting, I realized that I actually knew her from years ago! We had both been members of the Ohio Art Educators Association and had served on the council together. Talk about a small world!

It’s funny how life brings you full circle sometimes, isn’t it? One moment, I’m at a horse show, focused on my own art and projects, and the next… I’m rediscovering an old friend and being introduced to a whole new world of creativity. It just goes to show that there’s always something new to learn. Inspiration can strike when you least expect it.

Get Involved

If gourd art sounds as fascinating to you as it does to me, you might want to explore it yourself! There are Gourd Societies all over the country. You can get involved by growing your own gourds, decorating them, or even making birdhouses for our feathered friends. If you’re in Ohio, you can check out the Ohio Gourd Society at http://www.ohiogourdsociety.com. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a new passion too.

In the end, the Gourd Festival turned out to be a wonderful, unexpected detour. It stood as a testament to the endless possibilities of creativity. It was a day filled with beauty, surprise, and a reminder to always stay curious.

Artist Nancy Murnyack standing in front of artwork


Wearing two hats… as both an artist and an art educator, I find my passions inseparable. There is nothing quite like the fulfillment of guiding others on their creative journeys.

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  • reflections on my own artistic evolution

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